Med Ed Resources

Med Ed Resources

Have something interesting you want to share? Email Dr. Brown at

Resources: Home grown and imported

How we teach


Introducing MANTLE! MANTLE is a series of high-yield, interactive, Hawaii-made faculty development modules with wide applicability for those involved in medical education across the UME-GME spectrum. We offer options to use these modules with your team asynchronously or as a synchronous faculty development session. Please reach out to Brayden Wacker at to inquire. The first released module about Feedback is ready for use, and additional modules on teaching procedures and general teaching tips are in the production pipeline, slated to be complete around fall/winter 23-24!


  1. Visit and sign on using your UH Login. If you do not have a UH Login, please contact your department administrator.
  2. Upon signing on to Moodle and completing the enrollment form, select the Home tab in the top left corner of your browser.
  3. Browse the page and select the course from the Available Courses menu. Upon self-enrolling in the course, the course will appear under the My Courses tab.

Our favorite podcasts for medical educators:

Our Favorite MedEd Apps:

  • JiTT Infographics (Just in Time Teaching): Easy to reference guide to various teaching techniques, organized by the type of teaching as well as subject area. Please visit Google play store or Apple App.

Our Favorite Youtube Channels:

  • MedEdAnimation , explores the intersection of video, animation, and med ed, by the CLI’s own Dr. Bryan Brown.

Websites and Other Resources:
