Aloha and welcome to the HMSA Center for Learning Innovation. We look forward to connecting with you and learning how to best serve the educational needs of our JABSOM ohana. We would like to thank the Office of Medical Education for establishing this important resource, and HMSA for providing the generous donation which made this possible.
The CLI strives to serve as a hub of creativity, collaboration, and discovery in medical education to ensure that JABSOM best serves our future physicians. Whether you are a student, resident, faculty or other community member with ideas or questions about making education better, we look forward to working with you.
About the logo
Manu-o-kū, the Hawaiian white tern, is an intrepid, island-hopping pioneer of the Pacific. For centuries, they offered their guiding wisdom to the first peoples to settle Polynesia. Many at JABSOM will recognize manu-o-kū as the birds who fly in groups and pairs overhead, raising their young on precarious branches outside of our Medical Education Building. As risk takers, explorers,and social collaborators, we feel the manu-o-kū embodies the ethos of the Center of Learning Innovation.
Featured in the background are various graphics, reminiscent of advance organizers often employed in medical education. The three-way Venn diagram particularly calls to mind the TPACK model, which reminds educators to find balance when integrating technology, pedagogy, and content expertise.